Selling your foreclosure in orlando, fl?
Get the answers below!
Selling your foreclosure in Orlando, Fl but don't know where to start? Take a look below at some of the common questions you may have and learn how we can help you find the best solution available!
Do you buy or list the homes?
Well to be honest... a little of both! We offer many options for you to sell your house whether that be direct sale or listing with an agent. Learn what each contract means before you sign. You will ALWAYS have an option to choose, and we will NEVER list your home without consent.
How do you determine a properties value?
A lot of factors are used to determine a properties value. Location, cost and time for repairs, and the price of nearby homes all weigh in our price offer to you. In a direct sale, we look at the potential of the home after costs and repairs before offering you our best deal. Direct sales offer the speed, ease and convenience many buyers are looking for. We strive to always offer a fair proposal to make sure it is a win-win for both parties.
Any fees or commission to work with you?
Not with a direct sale! That is what makes a direct sale so attractive to people. You won’t pay a dime in commissions, agent fees or closing costs. We will be the direct buyer, ultimately saving you time and money! Remember, a fast sale will help you keep thousands of dollars in your pocket! Our profit is only made after we pay for and make the necessary repairs to the house.
What makes your company different?
We strive to give you options! Not just another real estate agent, we know that one way to sell won't work in all situations. An agent may be a good option if you have 6 or more months to sell your house but if you need to sell now. When you choose a direct sale to 407 Foreclosure help you'll save on commission, fees and repair costs. Selling your foreclosure in Orlando, Fl will be a breeze! And remember, the longer you hold on to a house, the more it will cost you!
Is there any obligation to work with you?
Nope. Simple as that. We make sure that there is never any pressure or obligation when contacting us. We want to offer you the best options and information possible when it comes to selling your home and help you get there.
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Learn The Pros and Cons Of Selling Your House To Local
Professional Home Buyer– FREE Guide:
Download our FREE Guide here. Or, you can always feel free to Contact us anytime if you have questions, want a no hassle Situation Evaluation, or want to just learn more about how we can help homeowners sell unwanted properties for cash.
Get the FREE Guide and then give us a call at (321) 430-1412 and we’ll discuss what your home is worth and what we can offer to buy it for.
Want to know more about the foreclosure process? Learn more about the process by going here!